Saturday, September 24, 2011

We Haven't Actually Wrecked the Planet

1980s war: 10,000 deaths/ year Now: <1,000 deaths/year
War is less violent, fewer conflicts today, able to handle a bullet better (improved nutrition, medicine)

-Tripled amount of food produced, but did not expand land plots
-All resources are more abundant and cheaper today
    -->environmental problems less today
    -More slice of pie --> $ towards environmental reform
    -Mega farms actually use less land and less resources to produce food (does this account for the clean up of nutrients/fertilizer that runs off? Or the cost of public health problems due to contamination?)

Are We Unhappy Now?
-material gains do not necessarily translate into happiness
Easterline Paradox: within a country, those that have more income -->people are more happy
  -Note, Americans are not necessarily happier than poorer countries
Layad: $15,000 = limit, same level of happiness

"Great Stagnation" The 'developing' world has just experienced its best decade ever
Difference btwn our grandparents and our parents is much greater than the differences btwn our parents and us.
Nearly entire record of human history is characterized by misery, suffering, death, war, stagnation
Great Recession= income levels of 2007

Extraordinary Commercial Revolution = the transition from stagnation to accelerating growth
-Considerable difference btwn Modern Age & previous periods

1) Classical Theory: We "use up" our increased productivity with more people
2) Modern Theory: Continuous improvements in technology, knowledge & human capital allow productivity to outpace populations on growth
   -When productions goes up --> change in behaviour

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