Monday, October 3, 2011

Obviously, I "Value" My 9am Econ Class.

Basic Economic Principles
How People Make Decisions                            How People Interact                      How aggregates work

1)People face tradeoffs (TANSTAAFL)
      -what is a cost?
2)Opportunity Costs
   -application: Broken Window
3) "Marginal Analysis"
    -application: subjectivism
4) Sunk Costs
5) People Respond to Incentives

**We live in a world characterized by scarcity**
--more of us than stuff
--Resources scarce. trade one thing for another

1) When execute tradeoffs, says something about our values
Ex: More $$ to defense means less $$ to enviro protection

Other trade offs: economic efficiency & econ. equity 
 1) Make pie as big as possible
 2) Make pie distributed; equitable 
      -->try to find "win-win" solutions
ex: $60,000 check, get only $28,000 out of it; Rizzo leaves advisor job, world loses that $
  • investment banker makes 1 mill. and has $300,000 taken out of taxes; instead, quit job, teach for $50,000 and pay $15,000 in taxes-->no tax revenue, lose that production, only get "lousy class"

For "truly free" must produce & consume with out using any resources or sacrificing anything.
=>No such thing as free. 

*It is possible to have to much of a good thing*
Totally possible to spend too much time studying.

Drug Lag: takes years to test drug, new drugs better than old, ppl who need but don't have harmed
Drug Loss: U.S. spends $50 bill on drug research, only 20 new drugs each year
  • Testing costly, fewer profit opportunity
  • can't solve AIDs & malaria BUT able to give 90 year olds boners (not my example)
  • bad drug?!
    • Ruin reputation, lose job, $
  • good drug..
    • no reward, no thanks
    • what a messed up incentive! reward mistakes, not progress
What is a Cost?
-Anything that consumes resources
-Tradeoffs means endure a cost

2) Opportunity Costs
When make choices, realize what you give up.
**Net value of next best opportunity**
ex: lemons or limes? it's not the $ amnt, but rather the pleasure amnt
 Lebron: College or NBA star? He did miss out on econ 108

ex; You won Bruce tickets! (not the same without the big man though)
-Cannot resell tickets, have to to
BUT also could see Barry Manilow for $40, but you'd pay $50 to see him.
      What is the opportunity cost?
  • $10!
    • Net value of what you give up
    • 50 - 40 = 10; WTP = willingness to pay
    • Consider, must like Bruce at least $10 worth; say indifferent, still have to pay to see Barry
Broken Window
Say roof blown off Rizzo's house--> Pays $ to repair; $ to worker spent on lunch; $ to chef spent on...
what would happen if roof didn't blow off? Will never know. Could have paved driveway
  • No new jobs created
    • $ to construction, $ less elsewhere
    • unable to pay to redo driveway
      • job from one sector stimulated other less
    • Didn't spend $ already means you value something else
    • Imagine before/after
      • before: Have $1,000, and a roof
      • after: Have $0, and..a roof
    • Actually poorer!

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