Friday, October 21, 2011

Trade Creates Wealth

Trade creates wealth: strange b/c nothing new created at all
*Recall last example, Kirby Puckett =>"black box" => complete set
Trade = non-technical form of production
-some goods only produced when good exchanged across the globe (China's precious metal)

What exchange does: make cake or laptop with the goods swapped, now can sell for $

How Trade Can Make Us Richer In True Sense
* Mike and Rich have identical properties

80 min
120 min
40 min
120 min
Total Yard Work Time
120 min
240 min
*Rich offers to weed 3/4 of Mike's yard if Mike mows Rich's yard

New Labor Deal
+40 min to Mow Rich’s yard
+40 min to mow own
+20 min to weed rest of own yard
+90 min to weed Mike’s yard
+120 min to weed own yard
New Total Yard Work   Time
100 min
210 min
*BOTH have less time doing yard work
Efficiency: getting more from stock of resources

Production Possibilities Frontier: Amount one can produce given resources, technology and knowledge
Properties of PPFs
1) All Points on/in = achievable
2) Absolute Advantage: Raw sense, one person/company better at producing a product than another
 ex: Rizzo better at making coon hats, but Mrs. Rizzo better at jibbiets
3) All points NE are NOT achievable
4) Points on the PPF are "productively efficient"
  --> key: produce stuff that people want at lowest cost; consider making the right amnt for demand
5) Slop; negative/downward; captures tradeoff
  -produce more of one, then must produce less of the other
6) Change in slope = "Law of Diminishing Return" 
 -aka law of increasing opportunity cost
 - lower quality when want to expand
7) Economic growth
   1- Resources (created or discovered)
   2- Technology
   3- Trade
Comparative Advantage
Rochester Grads vs. Cornell grads; who better at making wine and/or cameras?

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