P(initial) $1.50 lb Q (int) = 6 lbs of apples
P (final) $2.00/lb Q (fin) = 2 lbs of apples
M apples = [(2.00-1.50)*1.50] / [2.00/6] = (2/3) / (1/3)
If /M/ = | Demand | In Other Words |
< 1 (m > 1) | Inelastic | People NOT sensitive to price change |
= 1 | “Unit elastic” | |
> 1 (m < -1) | Elastic | People ARE sensitive to change in price |
What Impacts Elasticity
1) Time
2) Budget
3) Substitues
Quantity Response vs. Price Response = Nothing significant about 1
Changes not instant - plan, save $ for later, buy cottage? Short run vs. long run
ex: Gas goes up to $7, will not go down
Short term: buy lots of gas
Long term: carpool, move closer to work, get better fuel efficiency
-Substitutes impact change demand elasticity
Steep Demand = InelasticFlatter Demand = Elastic
-Consider the Law of Demand, when expensive, consume less
-Compare, minivan, Ford minivan, red Ford minivan => the availability of substitutes matters
Total Recipts = P * Q
If price increases, quantity decreases
If price decreases, quantity increases
Consider: tradeoffs of the firm
-Raise price, some people will pay more, but probably will lose customers
-Lower price, maybe gain revenue?
ex: TR initial: $500 TF final = $320
loss of customers: 6 x 50 = $300
gains from existing: 4 x 30 = $120
==> Lost $180
-find elasticity of demand of customers, sensitive to price change?
-make $ by lowering the price
Expenditures NOT the same thing as cost
ex: MRI didn't exist in 1980s, do we consider them a cost? No, it is an expenditure
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