Thursday, November 17, 2011

What Were They Thinking?

Well before I had step foot into an economics class, my friends and I were puzzled about a supply issue. Wendy's of course, offers delicious frostys and looking to save calories but still enjoy the cool dessert, my friends and I would get the kiddie size. Last summer, small frostys were offered at 99 cents, but the kiddie size was $1.50 (or something like that). Now, as much as I like conserving calories, I also like saving money, so I opted for the LESS expensive but the BIGGER size. This completely contracts the Law of Supply and common sense in my opinion. The only reason I could see why Wendy's would charge less for a larger size of the same drink would be if customers are more likely to buy more food when they buy more drink. For example, some people enjoy dipping their fries in the frosty (not me). Perhaps if they have a larger frosty, they would be willing to buy MORE french fries, or opt to get a burger too. In any case, I settle for paying less and eating half of my small (when I have the self control).

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